The modern tool kit for
property professionals.
The modern tool kit for property professionals.
Search Commercial provides access to essential real estate and property databases at an affordable price.

- Site based filters
- Heat mapping
- High Res aerial imagery
- Property reports
- Analytics tools
- Market insights
- Market finder
- Property details
- Custom layers
- Real estate listings

- Site based filters
- Heat mapping
- Property reports
- Analytics tools
- Market insights
- Market finder
- Property details
- Custom layers
- Real estate listings
- Aerial imagery

How it works
The Search Commercial app provides a user-friendly solution to access commonly used property databases and online reports. Within minutes you can review locations and identify opportunities.

Search our National Property Database
14 million+ Properties: Undertake site identification based on frontages, road type, land use, proximity factors, corners and more.
2,000+ Markets: Market insights from leading research organisations, key growth, demographic and socio-economic indicators.
Affordable High Resolution Aerial Imagery
Frequent Updates: High quality images captured every 3 months providing the most recent imagery.
Historical Imagery: Assess change over time with our library of historical images.
No Data Limits: Browse with the comfort of unlimited viewing.

Detailed Property and Catchment Reports
Generate Property Reports with real estate data, market activity, industry forecasts, drive-time analysis, sales information and development activity.