Search Commercial

Simple. Intuitive. Effective.

The Search Commercial app provides a user-friendly solution to access all required site filters and property databases commonly used by each property asset class.

Property Filters

Filter by unique attributes including proximity, frontage, road type and many more.

On Market

Search all property types available to buy or lease. Real estate listings powered by Domain Group and Pricefinder.

Aerial Imagery

Affordable High Resolution Aerial Imagery. Frequent updates, historical imagery and no data limits.

Base Maps

We offer a range of preloaded base maps. Choose between Streets, Grayscale and Traffic.


Access insights from the government and top rated industry specialists. Hot spot analysis of Demographics, Population Growth, The Economy and Property Markets.

Market Finder

Target locations that suit your specific criteria. You can even search multiple criteria at once nation-wide.


Customise your mapping experience. Save search parameters and favourite sites, mark locations, create and edit layers.


Our local team are here to help you get the most from the application. Just call and ask!

Measurement Tools

Measure the distance between two or more points, the perimeter and area of each site.

Subscribe now from just $70 per month

An application designed to save you time and money.

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