Search Commercial

The 2,000 markets explained

Working with our data partners and other data sources, Search Commercial provide extensive hot spot analysis opportunities by searching across Australia to identify markets, key growth, demographic and socio-economic advantages.

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For example data from the 2016 Census of Population and Housing is available at SA2 level. The SA2 is also the smallest area for the release of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) non-Census and align to a Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2). There are some 2,310 SA2 regions covering the whole of Australia without gaps or overlaps.

Intercensal statistics, including the Estimated Resident Population and Health & Vitals data

SA2s generally have a population range of 3,000 to 25,000 persons. SA2s have an average population of about 10,000 persons and include towns with a population in excess of this. SA2s in remote and regional areas generally have smaller populations than those in urban areas.

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